Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Operation Christmas Child Shopping

Today was the day we went shopping for those last few things for the Operations Christmas Child boxes.  The children originally voted to make 6 OCC boxes, which is a pretty big number.  We had some great support and had enough to pack 4-1/2 boxes as a trial run yesterday afternoon.  So, off to Wal-mart we went, just Nana Robin and 6 excited VPK children 😜 after reviewing our field trip rules, we were on our way. We talk about what we are going for - to purchase toys for children that don't have toys for Christmas.  Hmm, so excited, gets louder and louder.  Review field trip rules again (quiet voices, looking eyes aka no touching, holding hands, listening ears).  Almost there..... ok review rules again.  Finally unloading van and going to store. 😄Everyone is holding hands, walking so nicely, just slightly super excited, but still listening well.  We get the cart, arrange everyone around the cart, and start into store.  As some of the children are just confirming with me - we are not getting a toy for me right??  But they are only confirming, they know we are on a mission to find toys to put into the shoe boxes for other boys and girls.  As we are walking down the main aisle toward the toys they see the big blow up snowmen.  Yes, there are other blow ups, but the Olaf blow up really has them excited - review rules again 😏 and continue.  

We made it to the toy section with just a few stops to admire the awesome blow ups, toys, watches, and whatever else caught their fancy.  I looked for things that weren't too expensive, then gave them choices (votes) about which ones to get.  We bought some cars, little watches, stuffed bear, and a few other items.  As we are going to check out they were doing well, but distracted by the cashier in the self-check out area who was being Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  The cart suddenly starts walking away 😨silly kids did they forget I have eyes in the back of my head. 😂  Later I will go to the dollar store, maybe with the littles, to get combs and things to finish the boxes.  Hopefully we added some "wow" things today so when the child opens the box they are happy to see just what they have been wishing for.  God can move mountains, he can certainly make sure that just the right toy goes in just the right box.  🎁

After shopping we worked on a sequencing story art to retell the story of The Old Woman Who Ate A Pie.  Following that was some outside time.  We played Hokey Pokey Turkey Style -- Gobble Gobble, rode trikes, raced and played Pilgrim and Turkey, and made nature art on a stick. Soon it was lunch time and rest time. 

Our breakfast today was Cinnamon Toast and Pineapple with Milk.  Lunch was Chili with Rice, Green Beans, Yellow Squash Casserole (no one's fav apparently), and Milk.  Snack is simply Goldfish and Apple Slices.

The picture below is their "nature art on a stick".

Operation Christmas Child link is:

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Nana's Learning Post

  Where Fun and Learning are Child's Play. We are a play based learning preschool, and we provide the best care possible for your precio...